Sliding Doors

Automatic door STEP


The automatic step STEP is developed on the basis of proven, and well-proven, design solutions. 
Reliable and powerful, withstanding loads of over 250 kg, with a bright non-slip step, it will 
reduce the time of boarding and disembarking passengers. The step STEP is always ready to work 
in severe weather conditions. The working resource is at least 150,000 cycles, and 
the extension time reaches 0.7-0.1 seconds.

The footboard is mounted under the car, and the control controller in the passenger compartment is in the front seat area.
The mechanism has the function of automatic cleaning and is resistant to dirt, snow, water.
The extension force of the step is 15-20 kg, which allows it to cope with any ice.
The footboard complies with the UNECE international safety rules (GOST R41.107-99); stopping when hitting an obstacle,
Manualy moved if needed with power loss. 
The principle of operation of the STEP step is that the moment is transmitted from the worm gear motor through the gear 
transmission to the crank mechanism, which extends and retracts the step.  
STEP works synchronously with the door drive or from the limit switches. The presence of synchronizing levers 
prevents the skew and jamming of the step. The width of the step is 33 inches, and the depth is 12 inches.

At this time available for:

Video - Coming soon

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